


The department, which remains the clearing house of the Ministry is central to operational mandates of the ministry. The duties of the department cut across the Ministry and its nomenclature implies it is responsible for contribution to, and the implementation of financial and personnel policies of the Ministry.


The department is charged with the task of developing participatory cooperative institutions that will contribute to employment generation, poverty alleviation, wealth creation and general improvement of socio-economic conditions of members in both urban and rural areas of the State. Cooperative Societies are veritable institutions for socio-economic transformation of the individual members by means of collective efforts. The department’s statutory functions are guided by the Ondo State Cooperative Societies Laws and Regulations, Cap35 (2006) of the State Law.

Roles of the Cooperative Services Department:


  • Formation/ Registration of Cooperative Societies
  • Audit of Cooperative Societies
  • Inspection and Inquiry of/into Cooperative on the matter of compliance with regulations guiding the operation of Cooperative Societies
  • Division and Amalgamation
  • Monitoring and Supervision of all registered cooperative societies in the state.

Cooperative Society Development

  • Collaboration with   MDAS, Institutions and Development Centers e.g. Cooperative Training College to train Cooperative society executive members via seminars and workshops


  • Dissolution of Cooperative Societies
  • Dispute settlement
  • Division and Amalgamation
  • Production of Ondo State Cooperative Society Directory in collaboration with PR&S Department
  • Maintenance of Extension Service Zone offices

The Department of Commerce is a part of the Ministry department and its primary focused on the promotion of trade in the state, by extension generating revenue to Government.

Roles of the Commerce Department:


  • Registration of Business Premises Co­ordination of registration of artisans
  • Regulating the use of standard weights and measures; production of standard
    measure tool (“kongo”)
  • To maintain a proper liaison and collaboration with National Council on Trade, Industry and Investment via interactive stakeholder participation programs
  • To co-ordinate State Trade Fairs
    Facilitate the participation of
    enterprise/industries in Local and
    International Trade Fairs.

Trade Development:

  • Collaboration with MDAs, Institutions and Development Centres e.g. Nigeria Export Promotion Council (NEPC) to encourage the exportation of non-oil products from Ondo State, via seminars and workshops. Liaison and collaboration with State Non-Governmental Agencies such as OSCCIMA, Manufacturers’ Association of Nigeria (MAN)


  • Management and Maintenance of State-built Markets
  • Management and Maintenance of Trade Fair Complex
  • Production of Ondo State Business Directory in collaboration with PR&S Department
  • Maintenance of Extension Service Zone offices

Investment Promotion & Management Department is concerned with the improvement of the State’s investment environment, to increase the influx of both domestic and foreign investment and thus enhance the contribution to the State’s economic development. This entails attracting new investors whilst ensuring retention of existing investors – it offers guidance as to which sectors are to be promoted; aids clarity on sector selection.

Roles of the Investment Promotion and Management Department:

Image Building

  • Promoting Ondo State as an investment destination.
  • Research and development of the State’s industrial project profile: sub-categorizing the senatorial zones by mineral resource or cash crop and creating investment opportunity awareness.
  • Development and promotion of Enterprise zones, Industrial Estates and Industrial Parks, properly putting in context the Master Plan of the State, per LGA.
  • This helps investors in situating companies within the proximity of the raw materials required;
  • Prevents unruly development


  • Advocacy within government to urge and ensure removal of obstacles to investment.
  • Initiation, formulation and evaluation of policies relating to the economic health (Trade, Commerce and Industry) of Ondo State.
  • Formulation of policies and programmes for the development and promotion of cottage and small scale industries in the state.
  • Collaborations with government and Private sector agencies, such as the Technical Incubation Centre on schemes that equip beneficiaries with relevant skill set for self-employment.

Investment servicing and facilitation

  • Proffering solution to problems faced by existing or potential investors
  • Collaborations above mentioned would provide skilled labour for a potential investor for the respective industries.
  • The Department is embarking on a partnership with the TIC, Akure and SITA, Akure to equip persons interested in
  • ICT: Web Design and Development or Computer and Gadget (Phones and Handheld devices) Hardware repairs OR
  • Leather accessories Manufacturing: Footwear
  • Periodic visits of companies to ascertain compliance with best investment practices; inquire on operations and offer solutions to challenges.